
Showing posts from October, 2021

Finish stronger!

  “We always say start strong, finish stronger.”  - Chris Griffin Looking for an online statistician for your thesis, research, or dissertation here in the Philippines? Feel free to message us here at  M STAT Group PH Talk to you soon!

How can data and statistics help save lives?

The theme of the recent 22nd National Student-Faculty Conference on the Statistical Sciences last Oct 8-9, 2021 is "Data and Statistics for Saving Lives." How? Was not able to attend? Watch it here: Note: Photo and video taken from UPLB Institute of Statistics. M STAT Group PH is not affiliated with UPLB Institute of Statistics

Curious how to interpret SURVEY results?

If you are doing your THESIS and you're done with your SURVEY (or you're about to collect data) or if you just want to learn more about how to interpret surveys, you might want to listen to this informative lecture hosted by Ateneo School of Government. Date: Oct 27, 2021 Wednesday Time: 9AM You may register here: Note: Photo taken from Ateneo School of Government. Ateneo School of Government is not affiliated with M STAT Group PH

Client Review: Amazing statistician! Very professional and respectful

Thank you to our client for taking the time to provide feedback! Client's Review: Amazing statistician! Very professional and respectful. Presented and explained the results thoroughly to ensure our team fully understands the findings. Also got the results within the agreed timeline. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a thesis statistician or an analyst for their start-up companies! [Services Provided] 1. Recommendations on statistical analysis 2. Descriptive statistics with easy-to understand frequency tables, charts, tables and narrative explanations 3. Statistical analysis to determine the significant factors influencing consumers to purchase company's products 4. Recommendations on the consumer groups that should be focused on in terms of marketing efforts Looking for an online statistician for your thesis, research, or dissertation? Feel free to message us here:  MSTATGroupPH

Thank you to our clients as of October 2021!

M STAT Group PH would like to thank our clients  as of October 2021: - Medical Students - Nursing  Students - Graduate  Students - Undergraduate  Students THANK YOU for the trust and CONGRATS on your graduation and awards! Looking for a statistician for your thesis, research, dissertation? Message us now:  M STAT Group PH

National Statistics Month Oct 2021

M STAT Group PH joins the nation in celebrating the 32nd National Statistics Month this October 2021 with the theme: "NSM@32: Revving up for Economic and Social Recovery Through Evidence-Based Policies" Are you looking for a statistician for your thesis, research, dissertation? Feel free to message us here: M STAT Group PH

Statistician Career Opportunity

For statisticians who are looking for a career opportunity, please check this out. Watershed and Water Resources Research, Development and Extension Center is looking for a statistician. Here's their page: Post from their page: We are looking for STATISTICIAN, preferably with knowledge and experience on Time Series Analysis and EViews Software Manipulation. Requirements: 1. Application Letter       Addressed to:            HELEN A. MADDUMBA            Center Head, WWRRDEC 2. Resume or Personal Data Sheet Interested applicants may submit their application documents to or personally hand in at WWRRDEC Office, Loakan Road, Baguio City Deadline of Submission: October 15, 2021. Looking for an online statistician for your thesis, research, or dissertation? Feel free to message us here at  M STAT Group PH Talk to you soon!

[STAT Spotlight] Cronbach's Alpha

 1. What is Cronbach's Alpha? It is a measure of scale reliability or internal consistency which indicates how closely related a set of questions are in a questionnaire. 2. When is the best time to use it? It is used after pilot survey to determine if there are questions that can be removed or need to be added 3. What is the acceptable value? A reliability coefficient of 0.70 or higher is considered "acceptable" in most studies Looking for an online statistician for your thesis, research, or dissertation? Feel free to message us here at  M STAT Group PH Talk to you soon!

Finish your thesis through preparation, hard work, and learning from failure

According to Coling Powell: “There are no secrets to success. it is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” Let us help you finish your thesis. Together, we can do it! Looking for an online statistician for your thesis, research, or dissertation? Feel free to message us here at  M STAT Group PH Talk to you soon!